Astrosicarius is a vastly powerful being originating in the extra-dimensional God-Realm. He causes stars to appear to collapse into themselves; in actuality, they pass through a portal into the God-Realm to become a part of his unfathomable Astro-Field, where he reigns supreme. Art by David Bednarski

Baronin Zerstorer (Baroness Destroyer) is the leader of the “4th Reich”, a semi-clandestine international organization bent on restoring the Nazi regime. In her desire for power, she voluntarily sacrificed her body to the cause by replacing her arm and part of her face with cybernetic implants. Her arm makes her immensely strong, and is capable […]

Diana Dawn grew up in a rough neighborhood of Damark City. Her father was featherweight boxing champion ‘Dazzling’ Dan Dawn, and he trained her from a young age to defend herself. He was able to show her how to compensate for her small size and weight in a fight against the neighborhood toughs. In school, […]

Black Sun was a dedicated, disciplined, true-believer in the Nazi ideology during WWII, although upon discovering the occult his interests moved more in that direction. In the present day, he sees himself as a messianic figure, intent on unifying the world under his rule and expunging inferiors to the Black Sun level of the God-Realm. […]

Bullwhip, the Master Mercenary, is one of the world’s most skilled and in demand mercenaries. Hired for theft, infiltration, kidnapping, murder, you name it. With his electro-whip and impregnium wrist bands, he is a force to be reckoned with. Art by TJ Frias and Rob Shalda
Chthonak is a demonic being from the God-Realm who periodically appears in the Earth, from where he attempts to emerge to ravage the planet. The God-Realm is a term for the multiplicity of dimensions which are home to what primitive people refer to as “gods”. Separated from Earth by a dimensional barrier, in part determined […]
Crimson Streak is the Quickest Guy Alive. Imbued with the ‘essence of speed’ by Professor Amazo, the Crimson Streak is a member of the Sentinels. Art by Joe M Davis
Cyborilla’s exact origins are unknown. At various times the Simian Savant has implied or outright stated multiple, mutually exclusive origins, including time-travel, astral projection, mind transfer, brain transplants, cloning, etc. Cyborilla’s genius and lust for power, combined with his high-technology weaponry, constitutes a tremendous threat to global peace and security. Art by TJ […]
Dr. Micro is a consulting criminal-inventor, offering his research and engineering skills to the criminal classes. He began designing and building weapons and other devices for super-villains, developing a good reputation for his ingenuity, as well as a considerable bank account. Art by TJ Frias and Rob Shalda
Dr. Quantum is a research scientist and an expert in quantum theory. A member of the Sentinels, Quantum is one of the world’s most powerful super-heroes. Art by JW Erwin and Rob Shalda