Bob Blake was accidentally exposed to a formula which converted his body into water, a change he could control at will. Donning aviator goggles and tights left over from a costume party, he took on the identity of Hydroman. A founding Sentinel, Hydroman possesses the ability to control, generate, turn into, and/or absorb water. He […]

Meticulous, precise, and a long term strategist, IQ has truly earned his nickname, the Kasparov of Crime. Able to synthesize data from multiple sources into a step by step plan, he is often at at loss to consider the human element in his plans. A brilliant, withdrawn youth, during adolescence his brain and head began […]

Iron Panther is secretly the CEO of Panther Forge Industries. A cybernetics and robots genius, she is also a super-villain bent on world domination, and a long time foe of the Silver Agents. Art by David Bednarski

A no-nonsense person, Jill is pragmatic and inventive, a true lateral thinker. She is able to synthesize data from multiple sources and use them to develop solutions to abstruse problems. She is adept at ‘on the fly’ thinking and problem solving. Somewhat sarcastic, she isn’t afraid to stand up for herself, even against super-villains, though, […]

Khronocide is a being from the mysterious, cosmic God-Realm. He first appeared on Earth at the Arctic Circle, where he battled the original Sentinels and a power-seeking Cyborilla. Khronocide possesses the ability to manipulate the time stream, apparently directed through his Time-Staff. Art by David Bednarski
School teach Mary Lee Adamson is infused with the spirit of Justice in the form of the super-powerful Lady Fairplay. With power flowing from the God-Realm, Fairplay is a formidable opponent. Her Silver Agents team-mates are WonderMan and the Wraith. Art by Brendon and Brian Fraim
Magno the Magnetic Man is a playboy adventurer with the super powers of magnetism and invulnerability who fights crime and battles the Axis. He uses his magnetism to fly and to draw or repel metallic objects. He was the leader of the first incarnation of the Sentinels. Art by Brendon Fraim, Brian Fraim, and […]
Foundry worker Pat Dempsey has an unfortunate accident when a vat of white hot metal spills on him. Rather than being killed, however, he experiences an unexplainable chemical reaction. His skin becomes like blue metal, and he bursts into flames whenever he is exposed to heat or electricity. He quit the foundry and goes to […]
A high school math teacher and former Olympic athlete, Jeff Prince just decided one day to fight crime in a costume. And so he did, busting up local drug rings, stopping petty criminals, and acting as inspiration to the local kids as the costumed vigilante, Mr. Amazing. When the armored Nazi agent Blitzkrieg attempted to […]
Nelvana’s father, Koliak, was a visitor from the God-Realm, who mated with an earth woman and had Nelvana. She is therefore a demi-goddess. She and her brother Tanero using their abilities to protect the Inuits from threats such as armed aggressors or aliens. She is a founding member of the Sentinels. Art by Brendon […]